Sam as he ever was...

Category: Site

Posts that are about site updates/modifications

Site updates

Updates are ongoing through this weekend. Beyond some content updates, the highlights:

  • I deleted my Twitter account a couple of months ago, and I am now on BlueSky, and the links on this site now reflect that. If you’re not outright rejecting Elon Musk’s racist shittification of the world, you are tacitly empowering it and enabling it. Leave that toxic Russian bot misinformation hellscape of Twitter. Be sure: your favorite content providers will follow you. They need you more than you need them, and there’s more avenues than ever to support them directly.
  • In that same vein, I also removed my Instagram link from this site, and I fully expect to entirely divest from the Zuckerberg universe before long. I simply cannot abide the oligarchs bending the knee to Cheato. It’s a revolting concession to a revolting person.
  • I hope you’ll continually reconsider your consumption of media, and engagement on social media, so as to be sure that your values are expressed by your actions. Eschew the mindless garbage, cheap laughs, and doomscrolling that we’ve grown accustomed to in the past decade or two. Now is now. Choose your now. Be kind. Reject hate.

Always remember: if you are not paying for it, YOU ARE THE PRODUCT.

The end of 17 silent-ish months

My most recent post on this blog was 17 months ago today. It vaguely referenced some recent goings on and also teased upcoming changes. Two of those items deserve followup:

New furry family members (one who will be permanent and two who are temporary)

The new family member is our cat Barnacle, and there is so much I can say about him. And I will in detail, eventually. Truly, he was a heart transplant for us after losing BuddyCat. And then there is the whole ordeal (a few months later) and adventure of his broken leg and recovery. That could be its own blog, really. And… probably should be based on how much we learned. I will fill in here eventually.

The “temporary” ones were his litter brothers (Curly and Starfish), who we fostered until finding a home for them. They’re doing great. Again, there could be a lot of follow-up, and probably will be.

A “thinking about it” becoming “getting a plan underway” toward moving somewhere that we can have more space and more quiet

That happened, too. We moved from West Seattle to the west side of Puget Sound, and have been residents of Kitsap County for more than a year. Zero regrets about the move. And, as with Barnacle, numerous untold tales about it all. I’ll work on the backfill.

Otherwise, in the time since that last post:

  • I’ve been through the beginning and ending of a one-year contract job. Which means, oh joy of joys, I am on the jobsearch again.
  • We’ve added another feline family member, Asta. She’s Barnacle’s half-sister: same mom, almost certainly a different dad.
  • There’s more. It’ll come.

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