“Little Dog, Oh My God!” was a song I made up and would sing to her:
She’s the little dog,
“Oh my god!”
She’s the little dog,
“Oh my god!”
“I don’t know what to do, so I think I’ll jump and dance!”
“Oh my god” was her signature expression, often expressed as the abbreviated OMG. Or OMFG… she had a bit of a potty-mouth. Mavis was somewhat nervous all her life, although that did mellow as she aged.
It’s a Tuesday night (28 Jan) as I start writing this. Finally got it wrapped on Thursday 6 Feb, as this has been difficult to plug through. I knew it was going to take some time to work through this post. Mavis passed away on a Saturday night (25 Jan) approaching two weeks ago. I’ve needed some time to process and recover before I could begin to write about her…
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